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Membership Information  

Download Membership Form

Why You Should Join!
With members from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware, the DVCUG is one of the largest AS/400 and iSeries User groups in the United States. 

Our purpose is to provide a friendly forum for the professional enrichment of our members through meetings, seminars, and the exchange of ideas with our peers.

Systems Professionals - Nationally recognized speakers address all levels of AS/400 and iSeries analysts, programmers and operators to help maximize your skills and system productivity.
Management & Administrative Professionals - For those with management responsibilities, we offer outstanding sessions designed to enhance both IT and non-IT management skills.

DVCUG offers opportunities you can’t find elsewhere!
Ø       A Forum to exchange ideas and discuss current IT issues with peers.
Ø       Share solutions that improve the operation of IT departments.
Ø       Hear and learn from top-notch presenters including nationally recognized speakers.
Ø       An impressive list of User Group discounts (worth the membership fee itself!)

Ø       Monthly Meeting and Annual Seminar Discounts (20% and more) 
Ø       Member Rate for COMMON Seminar.

Individual Membership - Discounted member rate for all DVCUG events! 

Save up to $150.00 per year!   Also includes individual voting rights and notification of all

DVCUG events    Annual Dues: $60

Corporate Membership - An UNLIMITED number of individuals from your company

may attend DVCUG events at the member rate, a savings of up to $800.00 per year for five (5) regular attendees!   Also includes corporate member voting rights and notification of upcoming

DVCUG events.  Annual Dues: $175   

Membership Classifications:

Vendor - Individual whose role within a company is directly related to the

selling and/or marketing of technology related products and services (e.g., independent consultant, recruiter, account executive).

User or Vendor User - Individual whose role is unrelated to the selling and/or marketing of technology related products and services, regardless of whether

the company by which he/she is employed earns its major source of income


the selling, leasing, etc., of such products and services.  Vendor User members are considered equivalent to User members for the purpose of granting rights and privileges within the club.

Dues are payable on October 1st each year.    





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